Born In Byron Bay Australia, Currently based in Haifa city, Israel.
Somthing about my work : I Investigate the stitches, In the place between your view of yourself and the way that you express yourself lies a small gap that can tell an honest truth.

In my work, I have found much interest in digital tools and their way of decoding and interpetating content. By limmiting the computers abilities I was provided with a glimps into  that gap, between representation & reflection.

2016 – 2019 Basis School for art and Culture

Exhibitions & Projects
2019   ‘One Time’ / Solo Exhibition / Basis Art and Culture (Herzeliya, Israel)

2022  Laila Gallery / Group Exhibition / (Haifa, Israel)
2022  ‘Hamsa Hamsa Hamsa’ / Group Exhibition / Galuyot Gallery (Haifa, Israel)
2022 Sublim Rage / Group Exhibition / The French place (London, UK)